Campus Security

Original publication date: September 11, 1980

Students have returned to classes this fall to a more secure atmosphere. The features of this new environment are painfully evident in some places, but in others, they are barely noticeable. Anyone on campus who hasn’t noticed at least a few of the steps taken to improve security hasn’t been on campus yet.

The entrance to the library has a new face. Upon entering, the library patron will notice two metal gates, each consisting of a bar conveniently placed at groin level to prevent overenthusiastic entrance to the main lobby. The gates push open easily to allow students to roam free in the library.

The new library security system isn’t really in evidence until one leaves the library. The 3M detection system has been installed to reduce unauthorized removal of library materials. The system is currently in operation at most of the state colleges.

Before a library user leaves the building, all material to be checked out must be desensitized at the main desk, otherwise, there will be a lot of noise at the checkpoint. That little electronic eye will also be able to see through bookbags, briefcases, purses and girls’ blouses, so there is really no place to hide anything.

Upon entering the checkpoint, a small notice can be seen which warns those who have pacemakers. The manufacturer’s specification sheet states that the device will not be detrimental to pacemakers, tapes, watches, or hearing aids, so don’t worry about anybody playing pong on your internal machinery.

This device is not only a security check, but also a service to library users. The director of the library stated that he is glad to have the system, as it will aid the library in keeping track of their material, as well as improving service to us, the students.

Dorm security has tightened also. The Board of Regents requires all dorms to be locked. This will be a hassle for dorm residents, and it may seem a bit ridiculous to lock a men’s dorm, but it may save a lounge television or stereo some day. Rumor has it that the women’s keys will unlock the doors to the men’s dorms. It doesn’t work the other way around guys, but don’t be surprised if you spot your favorite jock-strap decorating a window in Dxxx Hall.

There is one more thing that every student should know before gallivanting around campus in the wee hours of the morning. The school now has a bonafide security policeman on duty at all times. he will be making his appointed rounds nightly. In addition, a patrol car will visit the campus at random intervals during the night. According to the National On-Campus Report, courts usually hold colleges and universities responsible for dorm security, so these institutions have recently started to crack down. Although it may be difficult to believe when a guy is cruising around wearing a uniform and a gun, this protection is for the benefit of the students. Mr. RGxxx, director of campus security, suggested that it would be for the good of all students if they would go along with, rather than against, the security policeman. If he asks for your ID, show it to him. It’s not that much trouble. Remember, he’s doing it for you.


  1. Post

    Lots of room for improvement in this post. For instance, what is a bookbag? “Book bag? Continuing in the same vein, proper use of whatever “bonafide” might mean would likely include italics and a separation somewhere in there after referencing an apparently little-used dictionary. Most offensive of all … well … wait’ll you try to run for office.

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