Letter from the Editor

Original publication date: April 9, 1981

At the last student senate meeting, I was appointed to succeed Exxx Xxxx as editor of The Txxx. So, barring any major accidents, you’re stuck with me for the next year. Actually, I hope nobody looks at the transition that way. I look forward to my year as editor. I think the experience will prove interesting for me, and I hope to keep The Txxx interesting and enjoyable.

Because students pay to keep The Txxx going, they should get what they want from the newspaper. I know what I and a few other people expect from a student newspaper, but I don’t know what the majority of the student body expects. I’d like to know (Although, by the end of my tenure, I had either taken offense to or lost interest in what little feedback I got).

I’m not too hard to reach. My phone number is XXX-XXXX. My mailbox number at Sxxxxxx Student Center is 504. A manila envelope hangs on the door of The Txxx office for receipt of messages and submissions, which you can also place in a mailbox at the front desk at Sxxxxxx (Social media, email, texting, etc., had yet to come into popular use at this primitive point in history). Better yet, talk to me on campus (No one ever did, that I can recall). I go to most of my classes.

I’m not going to try to make everybody happy (I might have even gone out of my way to de-happify a few people). That’s impossible. I do want to know what students think. Let me hear from you. My invitation is open to the faculty and administration also. But remember, The Txxx is a student newspaper.